Tuesday, September 25, 2012

wow it's been a while, and things have changed!

Wow, so it's been a long time since I've last published something on here. A very long time.
Things have been changing in my life, and i'm sure a lot of 20-something year olds  that are blessed enough to go to college are going through the same thing.

I graduated college in May, and wow things have been busy. I've had many insights before and after that that definitely need to be shared.

 Prior to graduation, I got to do some world travelling, which I think is the most important part of any college-going kids life. As mentioned in a previous post, I was fortunate enough to skip most of the winter up here in the Northeast, and escape to beautiful Costa Rica. It was amazing! (And as it so happens, my boyfriend and I are happily back together after about a month and a half of a break and discussing and thinking on our own... that'll be a post for later)

I also had the chance to go do some research on the island of St Croix, a US Virgin Island. There I assisted a professor with his mongoose research (which was really cool!) and I got to do a simple comparison of vegetative growth on the windward and leeward sides of the island. If anyone gets a chance to go there, they should go, it's beautiful.

My point in talking about travel, and travelling young, is that it's an invaluable experience. I've learned not only about other cultures, other ecosystems, other foods, and other ways of life, but about how lucky I am to live in a country that allows people to travel and has the means to live the way we do. I feel much more human now that i've seen other cultures, I also feel very small, and almost very stupid. That quote about how the more you learn the more you realize you don't know is SO TRUE. I still love travelling, travelling is truly the way to learn and fill the learning gap between more fortunate countries and less fortunate countries. Not those trips where you're taken around in a tourist bus to tourist attractions, but trips where you can learn about people and their lives first hand.

Anyways, so I've travelled a bit more, and then I graduated. What a change it's been to not go back to school. Searching for a job sucks right now. It's a harsh reality when you learn first hand that just having a college degree is not your ticket to a job. Luckily, I got a seasonal position with the CT DEEP, which has been a lot of fun and great experience.

My most recent change is, well, my skin! I finally got the rest of my feathers, and they're wonderful. Once again, please don't steal my pictures without permission. They were done by Pat at the Greenman in West Hartford. I love them. I finally feel satisfied with my body, which is strange, because everyone says you can find the beauty within yourself, which I see sometimes, but I now feel more "me" than ever with these. I LOVE THEM. Yes, they hurt, more than the three on my upper back. They took two full hours to do.

Ah, so there's my  update, hope to post again soon!

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