Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm famous! Not really... but I am in the newspaper

Life has been wicked busy lately. Work has seemingly taken over my life. I've been working on this youth program to get kids out onto the river and learning about Wild and Scenic Rivers... see link below! That's my program!
Junior River Rangers

Monday, July 11, 2011

my life has suddenly become a typical hero/adventure story...

it's been a while since i last wrote. i apologize. sometimes real life really grabs onto that noose we all wear and doesn't let go.

apparently i've been working on this post since like 3 weeks ago. do i remember what i was going to write? nope. but we're winging it here.

life can throw you some unexpected turns and some big realizations. i'll recount many of them here... hopefully some bigger picture lessons will show up as well.