Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm famous! Not really... but I am in the newspaper

Life has been wicked busy lately. Work has seemingly taken over my life. I've been working on this youth program to get kids out onto the river and learning about Wild and Scenic Rivers... see link below! That's my program!
Junior River Rangers

Other than that, life seems to be treating me well. I'm happy. I've had a few rough times, just the anxiety kicking up because of stress and being a woman... stupid...

My big advice for this post is to just relax and let life take you. Let it give you the necessities and then let the gifts and "cherries on top" come as a reward.

Along with this comes the advice of not moving too fast in life. If you move too fast, you miss a lot of things; you start taking things for granted; you start acting different. But just remember to pause and think. Relax. Let life take you and give you what you need.

You may not realize what you need or don't need right away, but in time you'll figure it out.

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