Thursday, February 16, 2012

we are all something in this life

That's right, I said it, we are all something in this life. Let me explain... If I were to label myself based on the relationships I've had with others, I would label myself as a Helper. It's getting a bit into my personal beliefs, but I believe that everyone is here for a reason. Let me explain why I believe this, and why I think I'm a Helper.

I've always believed that we're here for a reason. I don't know if it has anything to do with god or some sort of higher power, but I think we're here to do something. For me, I've always felt like someone who helps others, whether it's giving advice, giving them a hug, or helping them really in any way.

For example, my family is not perfect. (No one's is, but for this example, I really need you to understand that we're not perfect). My mom and my brother will fight, my mom and I will fight, my cousins will fight, my aunts will fight. People fight. I'm always the one that people turn to when fights happen. I've been doing this for years. I've realized how necessary it is for me to be a sounding board for my family.

I can't say what other people are labeled as... I don't know their lives. In fact, I don't even know if there's other labels or not... Or maybe there are people out there that are just helpers... and they're here to help.

More examples from my life... I helped my  now ex-boyfriend through crippling, suicidal depression in high school. He wouldn't be here if it weren't for me listening to him, comforting him, and talking to him. My other now ex-boyfriend needed some guidance as well... but his was in school. The kid couldn't figure out what he wanted to do. He couldn't choose a major and was paying thousands of dollars to pay for it. I told him that he needed to do what made him happy, what interested him. He ended up double majoring... go figure.

I'm happy that I'm a helper... I enjoy it.

Do any of you out there know others like this?

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