Wednesday, May 4, 2011

a few observations

It's been an eventful past week. The weekend was full of fun, and then we all found out that supposedly Osama bin Ladin was killed Monday morning. On top of this I went to the Avenged 7fold concert last night... during the concert I made some observations...

1) The majority of the people at this concert, and the majority of the people around the world, specifically in America, are cheering for the death of another human being. I understand the things that he did to the US, I remember that day quite clearly. I just don't understand how killing someone, even the leader of this plan, could help heal the pain of that day, or help stop the war. I have a belief, though I don't follow it as good as I should, that right action and love will be the end to all of war. Just like Gandhi did in India, we all need to realize that love will bring us through this, and that war and destruction will only lead to more war and destruction.

2) It amazed me how music, and the love of a band (or many bands in this case), can bring together people who don't know each other, and most likely would never even look at each other if they passed each other on the street. Imagine if we could take this love for a single thing, and use it to make this world a better place.  The musicians that many people love, the sports teams that many people follow, and the authors that people love to read, have the power in their hands to change the world. They have thousands of followers. They could completely turn this world around.

3) I'm sick of celebrating and giving power to death instead of celebrating and giving power to life. It's time to live every day like it's your last, and love each and every person around you like you love yourself.

That was my rant for the day.

Oh also- always wear ear plugs to concerts, especially if you have floor tickets...

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