Monday, September 26, 2011

quarter-life crisis?

Yep, that's what I'm going to call it, my "quarter-life" crisis. (Kind of like the mid-life crisis... but not)

Lately, with the lovely lethargicness of my senior year of college kicking in, I've been thinking more and more about what to do with my life. It seems that all of a sudden the strong shoulders I have have crumbled, and the correctly anchored head that I usually have has begun to float into the clouds.

It makes me wonder if everyone else has/had this issue?

Have you ever just stopped in the middle of what you're doing and wondered why we're here? What's the purpose? Is there a god/higher power? What am I doing? What am I going to do? Milk or dark chocolate?!

The. questions. have. not. stopped.

For about 2 weeks now that's all that's been in my head. Question after question after question. What am I going to do when I graduate? Should I get a job or should I just intern for another summer? Where do I want to go to grad school? Does it matter? Should I even go?

Then my mind starts doing something that I never ever thought it would do... it starts questioning about... I can barely write it... ugh.. here it goes... children. UGH! Wash my hands wash my hands wash my hands! I suppose they're not that bad... but they still make me cringe... *twitch*

Not only does my mind start questioning reproduction (because really right now is the prime time to have children, eggs are young, body is young, energy is up (good for playing with kids), time is early enough to have as many as you want... my personal cut off is 5... or maybe 7.)... but anyways, my mind starts questioning... marriage. Wow, writing that made me really stop and think there.

And that's the key to solving this... stopping and thinking. And being logical (really... 7 kids? i don't even have enough patience with my cat!)

Though... all of this still makes me question... do other people have this issue?!

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