Sunday, October 16, 2011

somewhere other than here.

i don't know if anyone else has ever felt it, though i'm pretty sure that someone has.... but sometimes i get this feeling like i'm in this world, but not. better explanation: i'm standing in the middle of a big room, and this world, all the people i know, the technology, everything, is just spinning around me, all of it just a blur. and i definitely don't want to jump in.

it's like feeling like you're on the outside of something, looking in and watching.

i feel like i'm meant for more than this. more than cell phones, facebook, the internet... more than businesses, cars, money... more than all of it. it probably sounds really pretentious... but if you know this feeling... it's nothing like that. in ways it's feeling like you don't belong... or like you belong somewhere different than here.

lately things have been really busy. i'm lacking in time management skills (like usual), and am getting overwhelmed by the things that i "have" to do.

all of it makes me wonder, what else are we here for? what's the real reason why we're here? is there something more than this materialistic, self-centered society?

why do i have to fit in, or at least pretend to fit into all of this?

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling, or at least something similar. In many cultures and societies since the beginning of time, people have had quests to "find ones self" around 16-25 years of age. However, this quest is a personal one, and each person feels it in a different way and finds a different answer. The only thing I can offer is, the solace that even in our mortality we have quite a lot of time. Do not fret, things come and they pass. The world may seem like a clouded place some days a clear wonderful heaven other days. If you search for perfection you will be disappointing more often than appeased, but if you search for balance, harmony, smiles and laughs, you will fill your soul regardless of where you may find yourself.
