Thursday, March 28, 2013

it's... thursday! another rambling piece...

honestly, there's a few things i'd like to touch on, this will likely be a ramble, and it will likely have something to do with any or a few of these things: anxiety, planning, laughing, beer, hilarity, children, nakedness, and card games.

yea... that's a pretty good way to start that.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual.

No, I'm not agnostic either. I'm not an atheist  I'm not a Christian, a Jew, Muslim, Buddhist... None of those. If you want to label me, label me a Pagan. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the writing in the "Holy" books of religions. Nor does that mean I'm a skyclad devil-worshiper.

Monday, March 18, 2013

24 Hour Comic Challenge

This weekend I participated in a 24 Hour Comic Challenge ( website! )! AND I DID IT. Basically, you have 24 hours to do a 24 page comic, planned, sketched, inked, and written. I did it, with 4 hours to spare, and learned actually quite a bit about myself. Oh... and I was sick for it...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Oregon? Who would want to go there?

Me. Of course. Well, that's exactly it. I'm heading to Oregon in April. I hope to keep the blog going much better than I have lately. Recently, my life has been flying. It seems like every day has turned into a blur, one day it's the first of March, the next, it's the 11th! I haven't been taking enough time for myself, which is what I really want to discuss in this post.