Thursday, March 28, 2013

it's... thursday! another rambling piece...

honestly, there's a few things i'd like to touch on, this will likely be a ramble, and it will likely have something to do with any or a few of these things: anxiety, planning, laughing, beer, hilarity, children, nakedness, and card games.

yea... that's a pretty good way to start that.

as you can tell, this week i don't have a post that's really that "planned". normally i have something a little more put together, and at least capitalizes the letter at the beginning of the sentence and all the i's. today is not one of those days... this is sparta. anything goes.

so i'm getting ready to move out to oregon for an americorps/vista position. yes, i'll be a volunteer for a year, no, i won't be broke, i get a stipend. yes, i'm moving from ct to or. crazy, huh? YEA WELL IT'S ANXIETY CITY. our plan from the start was to have the car shipped from here to there, but alas, less than 3 weeks from my start date, no offers on shipping the damn thing in a respectable amount of time. basically, if you're ever having your car shipped across the country, put an announcement up at as many shipping places as possible, as early as possible, with a pick up date that's as early as possible. it's a pain, it's stressful and anxiety starting waiting for an offer. so we may end up driving instead of flying. which honestly was what i wanted to do in the beginning, but nooooo, because i "have" to have my parent come with me, i have to do what they want to do. which makes sense, my car is old, and well, i'm broke.

next topic. beer. a little home brew place called "the cambridge house" makes delicious beer. i don't know why i enjoy it, i hate beer, it makes me hurt, but this beer, i love it. one glass, and i'm on the floor laughing my ass off, face as read as santa's hat. my new friend pam and i like to enjoy a glass together while having girl time. which is so necessary. girl time. i don't get along well with many girls my age, but people that are at least 10 years older than me, we're good. girl time is so necessary. guys are just so stupid sometimes.

so the other post i wrote the other day was... well.. i don't even remember. oh probably about the 24. yea. i meant to post another one about my niece. she's adorable. but if i leave the bathroom door unlocked she comes and peeks on me when i'm in the shower. completely innocent, she's 3. it shocked me the first time because i just didn't think kids were like that until older. you know, just curious about bodies, but then i did some research (parenting blogs... go!) and found out that kids get into that basically the moment they can crawl. crazy! still not sure if i'll ever have any, but idk, i feel like i could bring up some little peace soldiers. you know, good, respectable children. i kind of need to get my life in order first.

speaking of getting your life in order. here's some relationship advice. always be honest. always. don't ever be afraid to go out on a date with someone. even if you're still "getting over" your last relationship. if i hadn't, i wouldn't have my great friend pete. he's a respectable young chap, who is actually older than me, but we're nerdy and have a great time together. he, and a few other people, but mostly him, and pam, have a been a big help with keeping me calm before i move. back to the advice, i will repeat it again, 1) be honest 2) don't be afraid of a date.

oh card games. yes i should touch on that. the best part about having friends that are 10+ years older than you, you get to have mature fun times with people. you don't have to drink your ass off to have fun. you can sit and play apples to apples or guillotine without having to be throwing up drunk. it's so nice! the immaturity comes out and people laugh and it's just a genuinely great time. no need for impressing others, no need to hit on each other... just a fun time with the people around you.

i guess this post was a rant/ramble, but it had a few good things in it... right? just remember to have fun in life. because that's what it's really all about.

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