Monday, March 11, 2013

Oregon? Who would want to go there?

Me. Of course. Well, that's exactly it. I'm heading to Oregon in April. I hope to keep the blog going much better than I have lately. Recently, my life has been flying. It seems like every day has turned into a blur, one day it's the first of March, the next, it's the 11th! I haven't been taking enough time for myself, which is what I really want to discuss in this post.

In these days, we find ourselves surrounded by technology, the need to work, the need to pay bills, and get our shit in line, for lack of better words. Many of us rarely take the time to sit down and breathe.

I've given the advice to so many people, and yet I rarely take it for myself. Everyday, for as little as 5 minutes, you should take the time to sit and breathe. Feel whatever your body is feeling. Reconnect with it. When was the last time you did that? Your body is your real home while you're here, walking on the earth. Very few people remember and even acknowledge that.

Lately, I've been so caught up in everything, I've forgotten to take time to be me. I haven't meditated in weeks. I haven't sat by myself in my room and just breathed in ages. It's time to turn that around.

I haven't even taken the time to do things for me lately. Everything has been about helping others. (Which is something that people should do a lot of.). Everything has been about helping my mom clean the house since she got a new job that takes up more of her time. It's been about talking with my dad (which honestly, I can't complain about, it's really nice to sit and talk to my dad), about everything, because it's nice to show someone that you care about everything they're doing. It's been about helping a close friend get through her bipolar low and stopping her from taking away her life or harming herself. All of this is amazing, wonderful, and selfless. But there's something lacking. Me. Taking the time to make me, me.

That's why I'm moving out to Oregon for a job. Not just any old job, mind you, a volunteer job that will take up a year and introduce me to more sides to the Biology field. I'm really excited. I'm pretty scared too. But I have to constantly remind myself, everyone else will survive and still be there when I look back for them. I have to remind myself, this is for me. This is so I can start my journey through life. This is for the me I'm meant to be.

Now it's your turn, what have you done for yourself lately?

1 comment:

  1. Besides take a few momens to read this? (that was me answering your question) I am going to go to the gym as I do most days, only really enjoy my workout as I have begun doing. Taking the hour and a half on 3 different cardio, elliptically machines, then either taking a water aerobics class (they have GREAT music)taking a long whirlpool followed by a cold shower followed by some sauna time, then settling in for the night. (If I dont go out and sing)
