Friday, March 4, 2011


Ah so life has been seemingly taking it's sweet time and going as fast as possible lately.

I've been putting the final touches on my presentation that I'm giving at the Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources. I'm pretty pumped. I get to talk about a project that I've been helping/working on for about 2 ish years now. It's going to be pretty cool... I hope!

It seems like weeks since I was at the studio talking to Pat B, but alas it's only been 6 days! AND MY TATTOO APPOINTMENT IS IN 4 DAYS! AHH! I'm pretty excited, but I'm still getting pretty nervous. Sometimes I wake up and I ask myself what the heck I'm doing. But then after calming myself down I'm all for it and ready to get under the needles again!

I don't care what anyone says, but tattoos really are addicting. I'm surprised I've gone 3 years since I got my first one.

I'm finally set on how I want the feathers to look stylistically... more like they've been pencil sketched, like a piece of art work. Plus, I've decided just to go with black and grey, which I think adds some class and beauty to it. We'll see how it comes out! I've got a 2 1/2 hour session... so I'll hopefully getting at least 2 feathers done!

Also, my therapist and I are moving forward with solving my anxiety problems! It's pretty amazing what you can figure out just by taking a step back and looking at every part of the situation. I'll probably write another post about it.

I'll keep you updated!

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