Friday, June 10, 2011

getting people to save the earth is like getting someone to quit smoking

I'm really on a roll today with blogs... but as I sat and began to write about a lunch-time speech I sat through this weekend... I made a very interesting revelation...

Getting people to change in a way to save the earth and change to renewable energy is just like trying to get someone to quit smoking.

It's not a choice that you can shove down someone's throat and expect them to change and agree with you right away. Both require the individual to actively decided that they want to change their way of life.

As I was sitting through this lunchtime speaker at river rally, I felt as if I were getting barraged with "It's all your fault the world is dying" or "Climate change is real! and we need to act!" or "it's time to stop sitting there and watching everyone else screw up". It was like getting told to up and change everything that I've ever learned and start a brand new way of life.

I understand what needs to happen in order to help this planet. And it's the same thing that needs to happen in order to save a smoker's life. We have to start thinking about the consequences of our actions and how they apply not only to ourselves, but to others.

It's not something you can sit there and say someone has to do it OR ELSE. They're not going to do it. They have to make that choice on their own. They have to be ready to make that change. The only thing the people who have changed, or the people who are asking others to change, can do, is wait. Keep educating others. Keep communicating. But be patient. And don't push.

I could bring another analogy in... but I think I've gotten my point across.

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