Wednesday, June 15, 2011

happiness within yourself

Realize you can be happy
this moment for no reason. 
Otherwise, you eternally depend on conditions for happiness. 
Unconscious of this moment, 
you remain a victim of circumstances.
Arthur D. Saftlas

Happiness within myself has been something that I've been working on for probably almost 4 years now... I first heard a quote about happiness within when I started going to a meditation class with one of my cousins with the Odiyana Meditation Center... I learned many things through that class, but this idea of happiness within has stuck with me.

Many people depend on others for their own happiness. They think that their significant other or their family members or their pets are the source of their happiness. Then, when they're alone, they are unhappy, they don't realize that happiness depends on what you have on the inside. 

In my case I struggled with being unhappy for a long time. I depended on others... my so-called friends, my significant others, and my family. Once I realized this and started going to meditations, I tried and tried to find this so-called happiness within. 

It seems like it happened overnight, or by magic. But it wasn't. It was a combination of growing up and gaining a new perspective on life. What helped was being persistent and keeping my head up. But it's different for every person. There's no right or wrong way. Each individual will have their own way to reaching their individual happiness. 

Keep working on it and don't give up. :)

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