Sunday, November 20, 2011

grad school and relationships

i was originally going to write about how i'm still lacking in time management skills... but for now i'll skip that. life has been too interesting to talk about that.

as my graduation from undergrad sneaks closer (may 2012! woohoo!), my brain continues to FREAK OUT about the changes that are about to go on in my life

Sunday, October 16, 2011

somewhere other than here.

i don't know if anyone else has ever felt it, though i'm pretty sure that someone has.... but sometimes i get this feeling like i'm in this world, but not. better explanation: i'm standing in the middle of a big room, and this world, all the people i know, the technology, everything, is just spinning around me, all of it just a blur. and i definitely don't want to jump in.

it's like feeling like you're on the outside of something, looking in and watching.

Monday, September 26, 2011

quarter-life crisis?

Yep, that's what I'm going to call it, my "quarter-life" crisis. (Kind of like the mid-life crisis... but not)

Lately, with the lovely lethargicness of my senior year of college kicking in, I've been thinking more and more about what to do with my life. It seems that all of a sudden the strong shoulders I have have crumbled, and the correctly anchored head that I usually have has begun to float into the clouds.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Mexico... the land of community

About 2ish weeks ago I went to New Mexico!! It was beautiful and eye opening. I went down for work, the SCA paid for the 9 of us NPS apprentices to go see each other one last time, and we covered it for work as a "cultural immersion" trip. Asides from cacti, cedar-junipers, dirt, rocks, dust, mountains, mesas, cliffs, beautiful stars, and warmth, I was also able to see something that most of us in the North East don't get to see much... community.

realization about the internet

I'm crying right now. Tears of joy, tears of frustration, tears of hope, tears of realization.

What caused me to cry?

An add. Yep, a simple add, by Google, on a lyrics site.

Monday, September 12, 2011

there's something about india...

There's something about India that I can't get out of my head. I can't even pinpoint what it is. It's a feeling I've had for years upon years... in fact, it's been so long that I can't even remember when it started.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where did time go?

It seems like it was only yesterday that it was the 1st of July and I was learning my most important time-management lesson about projects I've ever learned. It seems like there was no July after that, and somehow it's August. It's amazing, how just having the house (I live with my parents still) to myself, all alone with my cats, makes me realize how fast time truly has flown by.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm famous! Not really... but I am in the newspaper

Life has been wicked busy lately. Work has seemingly taken over my life. I've been working on this youth program to get kids out onto the river and learning about Wild and Scenic Rivers... see link below! That's my program!
Junior River Rangers

Monday, July 11, 2011

my life has suddenly become a typical hero/adventure story...

it's been a while since i last wrote. i apologize. sometimes real life really grabs onto that noose we all wear and doesn't let go.

apparently i've been working on this post since like 3 weeks ago. do i remember what i was going to write? nope. but we're winging it here.

life can throw you some unexpected turns and some big realizations. i'll recount many of them here... hopefully some bigger picture lessons will show up as well.

Monday, June 20, 2011

when did i turn into an adult?!

It's an early day for me... I was at the office at 8AM... and then I had to drive to my other office... for 10AM... needless to say, I've had a lot of time to think about life...

As I was driving along, a thought came to me... A year ago I would still be sleeping right now, I wouldn't be stressed out about projects, I wouldn't be worrying about deadlines, especially because it's the summer... and then... out of nowhere... I laughed, and I asked myself... Since when did I grow up?!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

happiness within yourself

Realize you can be happy
this moment for no reason. 
Otherwise, you eternally depend on conditions for happiness. 
Unconscious of this moment, 
you remain a victim of circumstances.
Arthur D. Saftlas

Monday, June 13, 2011

basically one of the most beautiful blog posts i've ever read

I found a blog that I need to share with all of you... because it touched me, it grabbed me, it put tears in my eyes, it made me believe, it made me smile, it made me know i'm not alone, it overwhelmed me, it made me happy, it made me have to post it here.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did... There are some things that deserve to be shared...

Friday, June 10, 2011

getting people to save the earth is like getting someone to quit smoking

I'm really on a roll today with blogs... but as I sat and began to write about a lunch-time speech I sat through this weekend... I made a very interesting revelation...

Getting people to change in a way to save the earth and change to renewable energy is just like trying to get someone to quit smoking.

beauty in random happenings

There are some days where I feel like I was put on this earth to observe. Not just to observe any little thing, but to see the beauty that many people pass up during their daily routine. There are many amazing things people miss out on seeing because of how busy they are, or even just because they are too consumed in their own task.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yes, saying what you really mean to say works.

It's been a while since I've written on here... everything's been busy! I just got back from the River Rally conference in South Carolina, which was amazing! It is also the cause of this lovely rant... here's a quick caveat... mushyness about my new relationship is in this rant... but it gets to a good point about honesty.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rambles about Facades

I think that rambling is one of the best things for myself... it helps me get a lot off of my chest and out of my brain so I can actually concentrate on what I'm doing...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life is Beautiful

Some days I look back at my life and I wonder why I didn't realize how beautiful life is. I guess it's all a part of growing up? I guess I've matured enough and my thought capacity has grown enough to consider things that aren't revolved around myself. (Isn't that all we really are when we're young? Selfish and concerned with our own wellbeing and not others?)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

a few observations

It's been an eventful past week. The weekend was full of fun, and then we all found out that supposedly Osama bin Ladin was killed Monday morning. On top of this I went to the Avenged 7fold concert last night... during the concert I made some observations...

Monday, April 11, 2011

great weekend- with lots of lessons

This weekend was a pretty awesome weekend for me... It started of with a walk and talk, then lead into a couple of days full of fun, a few new friends, and a spark in the dark.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Here I am, at work, wishing i were at home sleeping, cuddling, watching tv, reading, ANYTHING but working. today just seems to be one of those days. but then some things make me think, did i make the right choice to take this internship? so much has changed since i took it! i'm working full time, i moved home, i'm still kind of doing school, i'm single... but honestly, i can definitely say that i'm happy with my choices. i'm happy to be sitting here not wanting to do anything. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Phi. Kappa. Phi.

I'M IN PHI KAPPA PHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can tell I'm really excited about my nomination and acceptance into one of the most prestigious honors societies, Phi Kappa Phi.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I got my tattoo last week!

What a great experience. The Green Man Studio in West Hartford is simply an amazing place to go. They really make you feel at ease and at home. Pat B, who did my tattoo, has such amazing talent. He is just brilliant, and he won't let you do something that will make you look stupid. I also was pleasantly surprised that my rather large feathers were only $200. They're worth so much more than that.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Ah so life has been seemingly taking it's sweet time and going as fast as possible lately.

I've been putting the final touches on my presentation that I'm giving at the Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources. I'm pretty pumped. I get to talk about a project that I've been helping/working on for about 2 ish years now. It's going to be pretty cool... I hope!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tattoo Appointment!

Well, I did it, I got an appointment to get my new tattoo. I walked into the Green Man Studio on Saturday, and I got to talk with the artist that is going to do my tattoo. His name is Pat B., and he's the newest addition to the Green Man's crew. (website: The Green Man Studio) He's been tattooing for about 11 years and had his own shop down south before this.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

America's Great Outdoors

Americas Great Outdoors

I received the link above in an email this morning. It makes me happy to see that the government is pushing for people of all ages to get outside. But the fact that the government has to push people outside, it's very disturbing. Why aren't people getting outside themselves? Why are children inside all the time?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Tattoo!

I just wanted to add a quick blurb into here just to say, I'm going to get a new tattoo drawn out soon! Hopefully either this weekend or next I will be heading into the Greenman Tattoo Parlor in West Hartford, CT to have someone draw out (and maybe even start!) my newest tattoo.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

me?! have anxiety?! REALLY?!

Well, after a few years of believing I was suffering from mild depression I've finally realized that it's not depression... it's anxiety. (Honestly I have yet to see my therapist, but I'm pretty sure she's going to agree with my findings).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

this kind of upsets me

I find that both the amount of logging taking place in the Amazon and the fact that aerial fly-byes are going on to look for natives, is very disturbing. I feel like we're going back in time, to when the conquest of South America was going on and the church lead people to change from their native faiths to Christianity. This isn't right. Native peoples deserve their own opinions, lives, and privacy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rest in Peace

Three days after my last post my grandfather died. He was a very important man in my life, and I loved him so much. By dying early Christmas morning, he made Christmas unforgettable and brought my family closer than it already was.